![]() 08/27/2017 at 22:42 • Filed to: Got gas? | ![]() | ![]() |
Driving home today I passed a billboard for some gasoline company - I don’t remember which and it’s not really relevant. It wasn’t a sign saying “We’re at exit #X” or “Buy this non-gas item at our attached convenience store.” Just a general “This chain of gas stations exist in the world” sort of sign - like someone wouldn’t know that or suddenly think “Hey, I should find one of their stations and try their gasoline!”
So what I’m wondering is is do you have a preferred gas station brand? Or do you just fill up at the station that is most convenient and/or cheapest? Is there really any appreciable difference in the gas you might get from one place or another?
Sample billboard, not the actual one described.
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I go to Speedway mostly just because 1) it’s on my way and 2) they have a rewards program where you get 10 cents off a gallon any time you go into their store and buy $3 worth of shit. I’m in there basically every day while I’m working, so today I had 50 cents off a gallon just for buying stuff I’d have bought anyway.
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Kinda, I usually fill up at Shell, not entirely sure why, probably because the stations usually look the nicest/cleanest. I know where their gas stations are on my commute, which helps.
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I used to go to Mobil, but only later realized that they all get their gas from the same few refineries and, give or take a couple additives, it’s all the same.
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I usually go to Shell, because they were the first to approve me for a credit card. That and they seem to be consistently good.
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There’s a local gas station that I like simply because I always pay cash and they don’t make me pre-pay. I always fill up my tank all the way, and if I pre-pay, that means that I have to come back inside to retrieve my change.
I wish that other stations with rewards cards would use their loyalty program to recognize repeat customers. That way, they could activate the pumps for people that they can trust won’t drive off, and save those customers an extra trip inside. And if one of these loyalty members does ever drive off without paying, flag their account to keep the pump from turning on next time.
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Chevron, only one with 94 octane nearby
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Costco if it’s convenient, otherwise I’ll go anywhere.
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Arco because it’s always the cheapest. If I’m not feeling cheap, or need a bathroom...
Chevron because they always have a bathroom, and the Chevrons by me at least are kept spotless and staffed with cool employees making decent money + benefits, like paying 50% tuition. I’ll pay a bit more for gas to support all that. My work trucks have Chevron cards in them so my guys go there exclusively as well
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Citigo. So that way I can support the glorious socialist republic of Venezuela.
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I’ll only put Quik Trip gas in my cars. It’s guaranteed and I believe they’re on a list of high quality fuel suppliers. Plus they have bomb ass food and the employees are always excellent.
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Went on a high school field trip to a refinery and learned that everyone’s gas is equal. So I go with what’s cheapest and most convenient.
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I tend to always fill up at Shell. If I don’t there is an Exxon that is close to me that I go to.
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That gas is so expensive.
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On road trips I use Pilot. I went to Tennessee and the man funded a good chunk of my education. When I’m at home I try to use Costco because their gas is better then advertised.
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Shell. There is one within walking distance from my house, and they sell Tier 1 gasoline. Top tier gas is way more important than brand, but I have She’ll stations close to home and work.
Costco on occasion, but the local store is way out of my way.
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Chevron. Ages ago, two unrelated MB indy mechanics told me it is the best fuel. Locally, the Chevron nearest me has a 15 cent per gallon cash discount on weekends (which beats the 4% credit card rebate), and the owner is a car guy and is cool.
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I try and find clear gas. There isn’t one terrible convenient to me, so otherwise, I go to the nearby grocery store where we usually end up with 30-40 cents off/gallon.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 00:02 |
Chevron, always. We got bad gas from a local chain once and stalled out the Odyssey in a Target parking lot and our usual Honda dealer tech, after purging the system, suggested Chevron/Shell/any “upper echelon” Top Tier station, if you will, just to be certain.
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Chevron. I was once told that the EPA does all their testing with Chevron.
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Chevron. I was once told that the EPA does all their testing with Chevron.
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After Exxon unapologetically doused Alaska with oil, it hasn’t gotten a penny from my family. After Exxon and Mobil merged, no more Mobil purchases.
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I’ve never seen Citigo.
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I go to whichever one is cheap or near at the time but it’s worth noting that some gas stations are better.
Companies that have top tier fuels are better. Hole in the wall gas stations can cause issues with gdi engines after enough use and generally are not as good for the motor. The detergents arnt snake oil, though I wouldn’t be suprised if the claims about them were exaggerated
![]() 08/28/2017 at 02:03 |
Before Chevron bought Texaco, I always went to Texaco if possible and fell back to Chevron due to them being more common.
When I lived in CA, I almost always bought Arco. They’re not as common up here in WA, so I switched back to my old preferences.
Now I will do either Texaco or Chevron (same additives), but usually go to a Chevron because they’re more common.
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I haven’t went to Arco up here, but I used to go to them when I lived in SoCal. No complaints about their gas and they were widely available there. People of SoCal seriously love Arco.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 06:54 |
I don’t get speedway gas unless I have to. I’ve done rudimentary range tests between fuels, and I consistently get more miles, (and it seems more power) with the gas from the Kroger stations. In my area BP fills up the Kroger stations, whereas Sunoco fills up the speedway stations. The other reason I try to fill up at Krogers is because of their fuel points system, more groceries you buy the more you save on gas. If I’m on a road trip, I don’t use gas station restrooms anyways, I just find a Subway restaurant or Tim Hortons.
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I try to go to Sunoco because it is a local company, but I’ll often go to Sheetz (also local) because the air compressor is free.
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Any recognizable chain because there’s less chance of getting shit gas. And never when there’s a tanker there to fill the station tanks.
Beyond that, it’s pretty much I need fuel you have fuel gib fuel.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 07:45 |
Eh, I stick with Pioneer, they’re generally the cheaper of the top tier stations in town, and my dad has $50+ on his Bonus Bucks card that he never uses, so there is a bit of incentive (might even use it today).
Otherwise, Petro Canada because they are of the VERY few stations that offer 94 octane in the region (I did mention I own a Celica GT-S now, right? More on that car later.)
Otherwise, Canadian Tire Gas+ stations as a last resort, since they really cheaped out on how much Canadian Tire money you get back.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 08:24 |
Ages ago there was a recall on the 525i for carbon buildup. BMW took the engine apart and cleaned everything up and provided a new warranty provided I use Chevron or BMW’s own fuel additive, so it has been on a steady diet of Chevron premium ever since. The Mazda gets regular from Costco, or if I’m not close to a Costco it gets Shell since I have a discount card there.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 09:31 |
I generally end up at Shell or Chevron (Top Tier, yo) out of convenience. Arco is cheaper but their stations always seem to be on the opposite side of a divided arterial (or cater-corner across a tricky intersection) from where I am when my fuel light comes on.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 09:49 |
Shell or Costco for Top Tier gasoline.
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I pretty much exclusivly use Cheveron or Shell second if I can’t find one. SOmetimes though I just get what I can when on a road trip. Not sure why I prefer Cheveron... Might be conditioning from my mother.
I avoid Arco like the plague. I also don’t usually use cash or debit to buy gas... So that doesn’t help either.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 22:34 |
Not all gas is the same.
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For the DD. Costco, exxon or a top tier. maybe 1/3 of the time whatever cheap gas I can get. I’ll occasionally throw in some fuel cleaner.
For the Porsches, only top tier.